Category Archives: Events

BWW Announces 2025 Speaker Lineup

Intimate BWW speaker setting at Barrington White House

An intimate speaker setting at the Barrington White House.

The lineup of our 2025 BWW speakers is here! Mark your calendars, get background on the authors through the links below, and show up for some fascinating insights from these engaging authors. In addition to the workshops at the Barrington White House, BWW members may attend the public portion following the workshop free of charge. Please spread the word about these events!

John Warner, Sunday,  March 9, 2025, Barrington White House

An author, editor, Chicago Tribune columnist and teacher John Warner will discuss publishing trends, craft skills, and writing in the age of AI. Here’s a link to his page: Warner is a weekly columnist for the Chicago Tribune, writing about books and the habits of reading at “The Biblioracle.” White House doors open at 1:00pm. BWW talk begins at 1:30pm. Public session starts at 3:00pm.

Libby Fischer Hellman, Saturday, June 7, 2025, Barrington White House

Libby Fischer Hellmann writes thrillers. With seventeen novels and twenty-five short stories published, she has also written suspense mysteries, historical fiction, PI novels, amateur sleuth, police procedurals, and a cozy mystery. To read more about her: White House doors open at 9:00am. BWW talk begins at 9:30am. Public session starts at 11:00am.

Sara Paretsky, Sunday, September 14, 2025, Barrington White House

Ms. Paretsky is a best-selling novelist, non-fiction and short story writer who will talk with us about her writing process. Here’s a link to her website: Her latest book Pay Dirt, continues her beloved V.I. Warshawski novel detective series.  White House doors open at 1:00pm. BWW talk begins at 1:30pm. Public session starts at 3:00pm.

Thanks to our collaboration with Read Between the Lynes bookstore, author books will be available for purchase and signing at the events.

BWW book signing at Barrington White House

Book signings follow author talks.

 Fifth Tuesday speaker bonus

The BWW speaker program will also include speakers at two of our Fifth Tuesday meetings that begin at 9:30am at the Barrington Area Library. Speaker talks start at 10:30am.

 Dr. Elizabeth Trembley, April 29, 2025, Barrington Area Library

A retired English professor and engaging speaker Elizabeth Trembly writes graphic novels and memoir. Here’s a link to learn more about her:

April Nauman, July 29, 2025, Barrington Area Library  

April Nauman is the author of Down the Steep set in the Civil Rights era. She’s published several interesting essays: “Confessions of an Arrogant and Humble Writer” and “6 Tips for Jumpstarting a Stalled Writing Career.” Here’s a link to her website:

We hope you will enjoy learning from each of these speakers. If you have questions or topics you’d like the authors to address let us know through your manuscript chairperson or leave a comment below.


Raymond Benson, From James Bond to Next Door

Raymond Benson at Barrington White House

Raymond Benson, Barrington White House

Suspense writer Raymond Benson is most notably famous for writing 007 James Bond novels, but he is also known as the author of a five-book serial, The Black Stiletto and most recently a mystery novel inspired by an empty house next door to his The Mad, Mad Murders of Marigold Way. He started his talk with Barrington Writers Workshop members at Barrington’s White House saying, “There are no rules.” With that he shared what works for him as a writer.


He’s a plotter, a planner, an outliner. He wants to know how his stories end before he begins. He builds his outline with a concept, an idea in mind, based on what interests him, what’s going on in the world, or ideas that just pop into his head.

“I write an outline in block paragraphs describing what happens in each chapter. I can move the blocks around if I need to.” This usually takes him two months to write. He also recommends writing a blurb paragraph on what the book is about to stay focused and act as reference.


Some of his research focuses on the location where the story will take place. This could be the house next door or hotspots in the world that might be of interest to his audience. Once he settles on a location, he learns about it, contacts possible sources and often visits the place. “If unable to visit, Google maps can put you in a place virtually.”


To develop a plot, he thinks about who would be upset about the situation he’s created in the story. Who has stakes in the game?

Daily Goals

When he’s ready to write, he relies on his outline and sets daily goals. “I complete a chapter from beginning to end each day.” He puts it aside then reads it later that night and edits it. “Fix it. Don’t rewrite,” he says. This daily effort goes on until a first draft is finished. This is the pace he has established. “Keep your story moving at your own pace,” he says.

Action scenes

Being a suspense writer, action scenes are important to Benson. “Action is tough. Write one sentence at a time. Bit by bit, in moments, add emotions. At a key point, move fast, then slow the motion. Add sensory details. What does the character see, feel, hear?”


After letting some time pass, Benson suggests taking a fresh look at your work. “You know where you’re going. Plug in foreshadowing, a gripper first sentence or striking first paragraph. Imagine actors playing out the scenes.”

Beta readers

Finding good beta readers can be a challenge for writers. Benson first relies on his wife. “I trust her and know she will point out areas that need work.” He chooses other beta readers based on their tastes, intelligence, expertise on a subject, what they read, and if they have a good eye.

When his work is completed, it is then scrutinized by his agent and a publisher editor.

A note about The Bond Phenomena

For those who weren’t able to attend the public talk at Barrington’s White House, Benson did reveal how he was selected to be the first American to write original James Bond novels. In 1984 Raymond Benson wrote The James Bond Bedside Companion. He dedicated the book to Ian Fleming. In it he describes and shares his knowledge of all things Bond. Since he was very familiar with the world of Bond, he became one of the successive writers to continue the legacy. Between 1997 and 2002 Benson wrote six Bond books.

BWW members were thrilled with Raymond Benson’s talk and very much appreciated all that he shared with us. You can order his books and read reviews at his website:


Books by author Raymond Benson

A Discussion With Author Charlie Donlea

After years of struggle and now years of success, author Charlie Donlea started his talk to BWW members as most writers do – with a good hook. “Growing up I was not a reader or a writer. I never took a writing class and didn’t read a novel until I was 21 years old.” I was hooked. How did he become an accomplished writer of thrillers? He spoke of craft in a way that only someone who has published multiple books and writes 1,000 words a day could.

Author Charlie Donlea at Barrington's White House

BWW member Sharon Bossard introduces author Charle Donlea at Barrington’s White House.

To demonstrate the important role a first sentence plays in hooking the reader Donlea read some from his books. Consider this one in “Don’t Believe It”: The blood was a problem. He revealed: “The first line is the last line I write.”

He’s an outliner. While each of his books includes a dead body, it is the skeleton (outline) that guides his writing. For him the outline directs what he will write about each day. It’s a choice each writer needs to make. He positioned it as Plotting versus Pantsing. He opened the idea to the audience asking which one we preferred. As expected, there was a variety of replies. He encouraged each writer to find their own process. Continue reading

Best-Selling Author Charlie Donlea Shares His Path to Publication

Described as a “superb psychological suspense writer” by the Seattle Book Review and a crafter of endings “that make your jaw drop” by the New York Times Review, Charlie Donlea has sold more than 1.5 million copies in the U.S. His books have been published in forty countries and translated into nearly twenty languages. How did he get his work out into the world? What did he have to do and who did he have to meet? That’s what he will be discussing with BWW members on June 15th at Barrington’s White House.

His talk will focus on his path to publication. He will describe his process of writing and editing for publication. How did he find and work with an agent, editor and publishing house? He won’t keep us in suspense as he reveals his personal journey of becoming a best-selling author. Doors open at 9:00am. The BWW session begins at 9:30 am. Coffee, tea and pastries will be served. But that’s not all! You’re invited to stay for more insights from this author during the public event that follows at no cost.

Mr. Donlea has agreed to give a public presentation at 11:00am at Barrington’s White House. During this event he will talk about being a writer while balancing marriage, parenthood, and a full-time profession outside of the publishing industry. He will share the story behind his stories, where his ideas come from and what he’s learned from critics, readers, and publishing insiders. His 2021 book Twenty Years Later, a New York Times Best Thriller, is being adapted for television. BWW members will receive free admission to this event. Get inspired by this engaging author and his work.

Mr. Donlea’s page-turning thriller books include: Summit Lake, The Girl Who Was Taken, Don’t Believe It, Some Choose Darkness, The Suicide House, Twenty Years Later, and Those Empty Eyes.

Barrington’s White House is located at 145 W Main Street in Barrington. Please let your manuscript chair know if you plan to attend the event on Saturday, June 15th.